Tuesday 22 October 2013

Weight Loss

Challenges of losing weight.

For me idleness is part of my challenge, don't get the wrong impression! I am a mother of two with a full time job (current size 16). My job involves sitting in front of the computer for 7 hours daily and this as you can imagine is boring. In comes the thought to munch on something so as to pass time especially on days I have less to do.

Secondly I can't squeeze the time for gym as when I finish work, I have to pick the kids and then prepare dinner, do a bit of tiding up, read to the kids and check their homework and before you know it it's bed time. (I am not a single mother either, I married an African Man). Plus I am not someone
who follows a routine and going to gym requires that.

And lastly since I am being honest I must confess that  I love eating sweet things especially chocolate and I drink alcohol(mostly wines).

I have started taking steps which I think are suitable for me and I have seen changes in the past couple of  months.
Firstly I have reduced the amount of carbs I eat especially Rice(I love rice) since I need to eat until I am full(well when there is message passed to my brain that I am) I have decided to add green peas, sweet corn and broccoli to my rice so as to have volume but not carbs (do I make sense?)
Secondly I have reduced my alcohol intake (my belly has thanked me for that) and I eat lots of fruits.

The next step I want to take is go on a 30day challenge of just vegetable (that is eat any vegetable or fruit as much as I  like for 30days).
As for me exercise is a challenge but I can lose weight by not eating(I do fast) so I can handle it.
What about you, what challenges do you face in your weigh loss journey? Also would you want to join me in my 30 day fruit and veg challenge ( I plan to add protein such as fish, milk and egg to my diet so probably not strictly veg and fruit). Tell me your thoughts.


  1. Thks babes!!! Am proud of you.
    Hmmmm! I can't wait to shed my oversize tummy !!
